How Do WFM Systems Affect Contact Center Performance?
Contact center agents work around the clock to offer the best services to customers. It is not an easy job, as it requires a lot of patience and perseverance. To make the job easier, strategic solutions such as workforce management systems are used. This technology helps in the smooth functioning of contact centers by strategically allocating resources and people, monitoring attendance, and ensuring adherence to continuously changing workplace policies. The recent pandemic has changed the way businesses function. They are now very flexible in their recruitment requirements and offer agents the option for Telvista work at home. However, it is challenging to manage remote employees.
Contact Center Challenges
Having the right people, focused on key business goals, and working productively is the basis for success in any business. However, when it comes to allotting and managing resources, contact centers face the following issues:
Fluctuating Workload: Other business departments have some control over setting their objectives and goals. However, contact centers do not. When a customer calls, the agents must be prepared to respond to them efficiently.
Round-the-Clock Work: Customers can reach contact centers at any time of the day. This means the staff needs to be available 24/7 to cater to their needs.
Understanding Workforce Management Systems
Businesses need to be careful with work distribution and resource allocation processes to run a successful contact center. They need to ensure an adequate amount of agents to answer incoming calls. This is where workforce management comes in. It is a set of procedures created to achieve operational efficiency by making sure the right amount of agents, with the right skill set, are available at the right time.
The workforce management system helps contact centers in the following ways:
- Efficient distribution of workload
- Availability of skilled staff 24/7
- An engaged and motivated workforce
Functions of a Workforce Management System
In simplest terms, workforce management is a system that helps in meeting customer needs without overburdening or unburdening the agents. Let us have a look at its functions.
This involves estimating the future workload so managers can fulfil staffing needs. To get accurate forecasts, various demand signals must be taken into consideration. These include historical data, special occasions, recurring product issues, and so on. For instance, a contact center may face high inbound call volumes during special promotions.
Correct future call volume forecasts help in preparing agent agendas. A WFM in place ensures optimized scheduling based on customer interaction patterns.
Performance Management
Through constant tracking of agents’ performance, managers can identify areas for improvement and prepare training programs accordingly.
Intraday Management
Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can upset the contact center system. The goal is to anticipate changes, redefine targets, and make sure that service levels are met.
Benefits of the WFM System at the Contact Centers
Let us have a look at how workforce management systems are advantageous to businesses.
Consistent Service Levels
Customers acknowledge a fast response when calling a contact center. If they have to wait, it may frustrate them. Longer wait times ultimately lead to poor experiences that can tarnish the brand image in consumers’ minds.
By using WFM systems, organizations can forecast and schedule agents efficiently to maintain adequate staffing levels
Content Staff
As contact center agents interact directly with the customers, they are very important to the business. A happy representative can win the company a happy customer. On the other hand, a dissatisfied agent may not be able to perform well. Excessive workloads and inconsistent scheduling hinder employee productivity.
Moreover, if overburdened employees do not have a channel to express their concerns, they may lose all their determination to achieve goals. Therefore, businesses must integrate workforce management into their systems to keep contact center staff engaged and content.
Save Costs
Without a WFM, organizations may not be able to manage a large workforce efficiently, which can increase operating costs. Furthermore, managers may not be able to schedule agents and allot resources effectively to meet customer demands. This poor handling keeps adding up costs and affects business revenues. A workforce management system in place can resolve this issue.