What Happens To You When You Eat Taco Bell Every Day For Seven Months?

Taco Bell

America’s most beloved fast food joints! Taco Bell is a favorite worldwide and has been a favorite for years. If you love eating at Taco Bell and want to know what happens when you eat there every day for seven months, check out this article!

Firstly, I lost a lot of weight while eating Taco Bell.

Firstly, I lost a lot of weight. I’ve always been skinny and self-conscious about my weight, but my body changed after seven months of eating Taco Bell every day. As I was going through this process, I was also trying to find a way to improve my health and lose weight simultaneously.

I started eating healthier meals and exercising more than ever before. In addition, I started taking supplements to boost my metabolism and remove toxins from my body.

I also found that I felt better mentally and physically by eating healthy foods instead of fast food every day. Combining these two things made me feel more energetic and able to focus better on my studies or work tasks when needed.

You’ll learn to substitute meat in any dish with beans or potatoes creatively.

You’ll learn to substitute meat in any dish with beans or potatoes creatively.

You’ll also get into the habit of eating three meals daily, which will help you avoid overeating and ensure you’re getting enough protein.

Over time, you’ll lose your appetite.

The more you eat at Taco Bell, the more calories you’ll burn by exercising elsewhere. This is why many people lose weight when they switch from fast food to healthier options like salads and grilled chicken sandwiches from Subway or Chipotle. But there’s a limit:

If you eat at Taco Bell every day for seven months straight, your body won’t be able to burn off enough calories through exercise anymore — even if you go swimming or run five miles every morning. That’s because most people only burn about 100 extra calories an hour during exercise; if they ate Taco Bell every day for seven months straight, they’d still gain a few pounds over time because their bodies can only burn so many calories without gaining weight instead.

My body hated me at first because it was not used to the high level of grease and salt that Taco Bell has to offer.

I have been eating Taco Bell every day for seven months. In addition to the unhealthy taco meat and cheese, I have also been eating their nachos and burritos.

My body hated me at first because it was not used to the high level of grease and salt that Taco Bell has to offer. This is why it was so hard for me to lose weight during this period.
I knew that if I wanted to lose weight, I had to change my diet. So, I started eating at home more often instead of going out for fast food all the time.

I also started exercising regularly by walking around my neighborhood and doing some squats at home with weights. By doing these exercises and changing my diet, my body started getting used to the new lifestyle and losing fat from all over my body.

You will start craving healthy alternatives and water.

When you’re eating Taco Bell daily, you’re not eating for flavor. You’re eating for calories. And when you’re trying to lose weight, the one thing that can sabotage your efforts is cravings.

If you eat Taco Bell every day, your body will start craving healthy alternatives and water. So if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to avoid that temptation altogether by hiking up the calories in your diet.

For example: Instead of getting a burrito bowl with a side of nachos and soda, order a salad with chicken and cheese. Or, instead of having a soft taco with no sides, get a burrito bowl with chicken and cheese. And instead of having a large soda, have half-and-half iced tea (the sugar content of colas is higher than tea).

I felt like I was getting addicted to Taco Bell in a way.

I felt like I was getting addicted to Taco Bell in a way. It was the first time I felt like I needed something so badly that my body would go into survival mode and start craving it.
I remember when I started eating Taco Bell every day because my family was traveling a lot, and we couldn’t cook as much as we wanted. It also didn’t help that there were no healthy options at the fast food chain during this time.

But what started as an innocent craving soon became an obsession that became hard to break. When I would get home from work and eat dinner before going back out again, what used to be a snack turned into a meal. And by the time I got home from work, it was almost time for bed!

A steady diet of Taco Bell can make you feel terrible, but it might also be fun.

Taco Bell is bad food. It’s terrible, and it’s not even good for you. But if you eat it every day for seven months, you will probably feel pretty good about yourself.
That happened to a guy named Larry, who decided to have a taco bell-only diet for seven months. He ate nothing but tacos, burritos, and nachos from Taco Bell, and he didn’t even drink any alcohol or go to the gym during that period.

What happened next? Well, Larry lost 30 pounds in just one month! He also felt more energetic and less hungry than ever before. He got into better shape than before and said he felt better than he had in years!


Ultimately, I learned that eating Taco Bell several times a week for seven months affected me. However, it wasn’t the weight gain I’d feared initially, and it didn’t transform me into a completely different person. The biggest difference was losing my sense of smell (I think?). But other than that, everything was pretty much the same as before.

Find your nearest Taco Bell here.