The Ultimate Guide to Hiring and Onboarding Remote Workers

Remote Workers

The world of work is changing, and more organizations are turning to remote workers to fill their staffing needs. Remote working offers many advantages for employers and employees alike, such as flexibility in scheduling, increased productivity, reduced overhead costs, and a larger talent pool from which to choose. But hiring and onboarding remote workers can be a challenge for any organization — especially if they’re new to the process. Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Utilize virtual recruiting platforms 

Using virtual recruiting platforms is an essential part of hiring and onboarding remote workers. These platforms allow you to reach out to potential employees from all over the world, saving you time and money in travel and other costs associated with traditional recruitment methods. Additionally, many virtual recruiting platforms offer features such as video interviews, chat rooms, and automated scheduling that make it easier to find the right person for the job. For example, Workhuman’s onboarding checklist provides you with all the steps necessary to efficiently and effectively onboard new remote workers. When using a virtual recruiting platform, be sure to focus on making the application process efficient and easy to understand. 

2. Develop a clear job description and list of qualifications 

When it comes to hiring remote workers, having a clear job description and list of qualifications is essential. It’s important that your job listing accurately reflects the role you are looking to fill so potential candidates know what they’re getting into. Be sure to include information about the responsibilities and expectations for the position as well as any qualifications or experience necessary for success in the role. Additionally, indicate whether there are any technical requirements such as certain software or hardware skills needed for the job.

3. Take advantage of online assessment tests for additional insight into potential hires 

When looking to hire and onboard remote workers, it’s a good idea to take advantage of online assessment tests. These tests can provide your team with additional insight into how potential employees might fit with the company, the job role, and the team as a whole. By understanding more about a candidate’s abilities, interests, and motivation for the role in question, you can make an informed decision on who is best suited for your remote team. Using an online assessment platform can also help you compare candidates side by side more easily. With this information available at your fingertips, you can decide which applicant would be better suited for the job role so that you have peace of mind when making decisions about hiring. 

4. Establish onboarding processes that are tailored to the unique needs of remote workers 

When you’re onboarding a remote worker, it’s vital that the process is tailored to their specific needs. Remote workers have different expectations and require different support than office-based employees. Therefore, it’s important to create processes that are conducive to remote work. Consider implementing an online onboarding system that provides remote workers with access to the resources they need to get up and running quickly. These can include a comprehensive employee handbook, HR forms, job descriptions, and any software or applications required for the successful completion of tasks.

5. Create an orientation program that provides comprehensive information about the company, its policies, and expectations 

It is important to make sure that remote employees receive the same level of onboarding and orientation as in-house workers. An orientation program should provide comprehensive information about the company, its policies, and expectations for remote employees. This includes topics such as meeting protocols, communication guidelines, work hours, code of conduct, performance reviews, and any other relevant information that will help them understand their role and obligations within the organization.

6. Set up systems for communication with remote employees in order to ensure all their questions are answered quickly and efficiently

Make sure your remote employees have access to the same communication channels that are available to on-site employees. This includes email, phone, or video conferencing, messaging applications, and project management tools. By providing these channels for communication, you can ensure that employees have an easy and convenient way to reach out with any questions or concerns they may have. Additionally, you should assign a supervisor or team leader who is responsible for responding quickly to urgent matters as well as monitoring progress, and providing feedback in a timely manner.

Hiring and onboarding remote employees can be a daunting task, but with the right processes in place, it can be successful. By setting expectations early on, providing comprehensive orientation materials, taking advantage of assessment tests, and establishing systems for communication and feedback, you can ensure your remote team is equipped with the tools they need to work effectively and efficiently.