The Role of Sales Management in Home Builder Customer Satisfaction
Home builders spend much time and money marketing their brand and drawing in new buyers. They also invest in salespeople, model homes, and sales centers.
However, they often overlook a key factor in their lead nurturing process that can dramatically affect their home builder customer satisfaction.
Customer Service
Customer service encompasses a company’s efforts to help customers before, during, and after the sale. It includes providing assistance, guidance, and support — key to a positive customer experience.
Studies show that a satisfied customer will spend more than twice as much with your business. And unhappy customers can generate far more negative word-of-mouth than happy ones. McKinsey reports dissatisfied customers to tell up to 20 people about their bad experiences.
Customer surveys are one of the most effective ways to gauge homebuilder customer satisfaction and find out what’s working and not working in your company. Using them lets you learn more about how your customers feel and use those insights to meet their needs better. And that will ultimately result in higher satisfaction and loyalty.
Home builders may get assistance from companies like New Home Star in generating leads, nurturing potential customers throughout the sales process, and setting and ensuring that attainable and realistic sales targets are part of this. Additionally, it entails creating team motivational techniques and using resources like sales email monitoring applications to monitor rep performance.
While exceptional quality and great price points remain strong selling points for most homebuilders, more than ever, a solid customer experience is key to builder success. Homebuyers who are delighted by their buying and building experiences will be more likely to recommend the homebuilder to friends and family.
Homebuilders that are serious about measuring customer satisfaction regularly send survey requests to buyers to ask what they think of their experience. They also conduct follow-up surveys after move-in, five and 11 months, to gauge buyer satisfaction. These surveys are a valuable source of insight into what is and isn’t working for the company. This information is crucial to improving future experiences for customers.
Sales Training
Achieving sales volume and maximizing company profits are two key objectives that sales managers must work toward. These goals are essential because they help drive the business. However, achieving these objectives requires a lot of planning and execution from the top management and the sales department.
Training is an important part of a successful sales strategy that helps the sales team improve their presentation skills and closing rate. It also provides them with a solid understanding of their customer’s business needs, allowing them to provide a personalized experience that ensures customer satisfaction.
Most sales training programs include role-playing exercises that simulate in-person encounters, phone conversations, or interactions on social media. They also involve real-life case studies and hands-on experience that can boost morale, build confidence, and encourage greater cooperation between salespeople. In addition, many programs provide ongoing coaching and reinforcement through local management and training.
Sales Management
Sales management is the “planning, direction and control of professional selling including recruiting, selecting, training, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying and motivating as these tasks apply to personal selling.” Sales are one of the only departments within a business that generates revenue or income and directly impacts the company’s financial results.
An effective sales manager combines various strategies to achieve sales goals and objectives, such as recruiting, hiring, and training the right team members, providing them with tools and resources to help them succeed, setting clear targets, monitoring performance, and creating an inspiring work environment that helps motivate their staff.
Sales managers are also responsible for forecasting sales, tracking leads, and identifying sales pipeline holdups that may prevent them from hitting their quarterly goals.