Things to Consider When Choosing Guinea Pig Cages: A blog about how to pick the best cage for your piggies.

Guinea Pig Cages

Guinea pigs are small mammals that can be kept as pets. They are members of the rodent family, and they are known for their curiosity and intelligence. They love to eat timothy hay because it is higher in fiber to support the digestive system. They are also very social creatures, which makes them great companions for people who live in small spaces.
Guinea pigs need an environment that is clean and free of toxins. They will not do well in Guinea pig cages with many hard surfaces or toxic chemicals. In addition, Guinea pigs need to be able to move around freely so they can exercise and play with each other or their owner.

Are Guinea Pig Cages Necessary?

Guinea pig cages are necessary for your pet’s health and well-being. The Guinea Pig cage should be at least six inches tall and 12 inches wide so that the guinea pig can stand up and move around. The cage should also have a safe bedding material for you and your pet.

A cage can help protect your pet from injury by reducing the risk of falls and collisions with other animals. It can also prevent your flooring from damage caused by chewing and digging.
Cages also provide an easy way for owners to identify which herd members are sick or injured so they can be treated quickly and effectively.

You must provide enough food, water for your guinea pig, and fresh air. Guinea pigs do not like to be cooped up in small spaces, so having enough space is essential for their health.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Guinea Pig Cage

Guinea pig cages are available in various styles and sizes, but what should you look for when choosing one?

1. Size

The size of the cage is the first thing to consider. Guinea pigs tend to be friendly creatures, so giving them enough space to exercise their natural behavior is essential. For example, if your guinea pig is housed in a small cage, she may become stressed and start biting at her cage bars. On the other hand, if she has too much room to run around in her cage, she may not feel like spending time with you as much.

2. Material

The second thing to consider is what material the cage is made of—and how well it keeps out bacteria and other contaminants. Some cages are made from wire mesh, while others are made from leakproof plastic or wood (which can be toxic). nIt would help if you also asked whether or not the material used for your cage has been treated with an antimicrobial solution before being sold to consumers (this will help prevent bacterial growth).

3. Space

The space you have available for your guinea habitat pig’s cage—are there any spots where.

4. Shape

Guinea Pig cages come in a wide range of shapes, from round to long and narrow to square. While most guinea pigs are happy with a round or square cage, some prefer a long cage with a lower ceiling. If your guinea pig is one of these, you may consider getting one longer than usual. The important thing is that the cage has enough room for your pet to move around comfortably and feel secure.

5. Flooring

Guinea pigs need more than one square feet of space of floor space per animal per day so that a 16-by-16-inch cage will provide enough space for two guinea pigs. However, if you want more than two guinea pigs in your house, you may need to purchase larger cages.

Why is cleaning Guinea Pig Cage important?

There are many different types of guinea pig cages on the market, one thing that they all have in common is that they need to be cleaned regularly.

Guinea pigs are messy creatures, and their cages need to be cleaned more than any other type of pet. This can be a lot of work, but it is well worth it when you consider that these creatures live in a natural way.
The best way to clean your guinea pig cage is with a simple water and soap solution. You can also use any commercial product called Guinea Pig Bone Cleaner – this can help remove any dirt or bacteria from your guinea pig’s cage.

If you aren’t sure how often your midwest guinea pig needs to be cleaned, it’s best to ask someone who knows about these animals because there are different opinions on how often cleaning should happen.

How to Clean a Guinea Pig Cage?

Cleaning your guinea pig cage is a great way to help keep your pets happy and healthy. Of course, you’ll want to do this at least once a month, but it’s even better if you do it every week. If you have more frequent cleaning needs, check out our guide on cleaning a guinea pig cage every week!

1. Wash the Cage

First, ensure everything inside the cage is dry—including the bedding and toys. If any areas have gotten wet or dirty, clean them first with warm soapy water. Then use a brush with a soft-bristled or toothbrush to scrub out any remaining dirt and debris from underneath the bedding or toys.

2. Sanitize Your Pet’s Water Bottles

Next, sanitize all water bottles and bowls used in your guinea pig’s cage by washing them thoroughly with soap and hot water before reusing them. This will prevent bacteria from growing in these items over time and make your pet sick!

3. Enzymatic Cleaners

Enzymes are found in fruits and vegetables, so they are usually safe on your cage floors. Enzymes help break down the food you feed your guinea pig into smaller pieces that your pet can easily digest.

For best results, mix one teaspoon of liquid dish soap with one gallon of warm water in a spray bottle or bucket and apply it to the bottom half of the cage several times per week. You will want to ensure that you rinse each portion thoroughly so that no residue remains on the surface where your pet would walk.

4. Soap/Water Cleaning Methods

Soap can be used on its own, but it tends to leave behind a film on surfaces that need cleaning regularly. This film can eventually build up and cause problems for you and your pet if not removed quickly enough before it becomes too.


Any indoor cage for a guinea pig will require daily attention to keep the cage clean and safe, not to mention comfortable for your pet. Cages should be cleaned daily of waste matter and uneaten food to keep the area sanitary. In addition, weekly cleaning of the cage and its accessories can help prevent bacteria buildup while your guinea pig is living in that area, particularly once you start introducing new guinea pigs into the same environment.